Taking care of your mind, body and wellbeing.

Take the first step towards your own personal freedom and increased wellbeing. Tina helps many people find and maintain their own happiness, potential and wellness.


See therapies

Complementary Therapies


BrainWorking Recursive Therapy


Unleash the natural power of your mind and achieve your goals

Health Kinesiology

A holistic energy based therapy for health, balance & wellbeing

Allergy Testing & Treating

Don’t suffer in silence; intolerances can be identified & treated

Facial Reflexology

A unique facial therapy for a glowing complexion and fewer lines

Foot Reflexology

Relaxing touch therapy promoting better all-round health

Indian Head Massage

Perfect for a calm mind and a stress-free body


Individual, natural healthcare. Chosen specifically for you by Tina

Zone Face Lift Facial Exlixir

A treatment shown to reduce fine lines and help you look radiant

Body, neck and back massage

A calming, relaxing massage, tailored to your own needs

Hopi Ear Candle Therapy

A gentle, safe, inner-ear massage - fell better, hear better

Why not take the first step to your personal freedom? Tina is passionate about the journey to wellbeing and is there for you every step of the way.


See what others say about Tina and how she has helped them feel better and improve their lives.